Depresión en el Lugar de Trabajo: Cómo Navegar en el Trabajo Cuando Estás Luchando

La depresión es una condición común de salud mental que afecta a millones de adultos, y su impacto a menudo se extiende al lugar de trabajo. Para quienes lidian con la depresión, gestionar las tareas diarias, mantener la productividad e interactuar con colegas puede sentirse abrumador. Si estás enfrentando la depresión mientras intentas cumplir con […]

Depresión en el Lugar de Trabajo: Cómo Navegar en el Trabajo Cuando Estás Luchando Read More »

Understanding Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Its Benefits

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the most effective and widely used approaches in psychotherapy today. It’s especially known for addressing challenges like anxiety, depression, and stress by focusing on the relationship between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. In this blog, we’ll explore how CBT works, its key techniques like cognitive reframing and cognitive restructuring,

Understanding Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Its Benefits Read More »

My Experience as a Mental Health Intern: Six Lessons Learned

By: Tyeshaa Hudson, RMHI After wrapping up all my coursework, I was super eager to dive into my internship. I looked for a placement that offered solid training and great mentorship, but also matched up with my personal goals—like the type of clients I wanted to work with and the kind of setting I was

My Experience as a Mental Health Intern: Six Lessons Learned Read More »

The Significance of Client-Therapist Fit: Achieving the Best Clinical Outcomes in Psychotherapy

By: Michelle Hintz, PsyD & Roddia Hill, PsyD Finding a good ‘client-therapist fit’ is one key factor that can make a world of difference in your therapeutic journey and overall mental well-being! So what is that? What is Client-Therapist Fit? Client-therapist fit refers to the level of trust and rapport between you and your therapist. It

The Significance of Client-Therapist Fit: Achieving the Best Clinical Outcomes in Psychotherapy Read More »