Procrastinación vs. Pereza: Similitudes, Diferencias y Qué Hacer al Respecto

Por María Guasone, MS ¿Te suenan las palabras procrastinación y/o pereza? Hmmm, sí a mí también!!!! ¿Qué te viene a la mente cuando decimos procrastinación o pereza? Quizás algo como: “¿Por qué hacerlo hoy si tengo más tiempo después?” “Estoy cansado, lo haré mañana” “Mi jefe aún no me pidió el proyecto, así que no […]

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Procrastination vs. Laziness: Similarities, Differences and What to Do About It

By Maria Guasone, MS Do the words procrastination and/or laziness sound familiar to you? Hmmm, yes — to me, too! What comes to your mind when we say procrastination or laziness? Maybe something like: “Why do it today when I have more time later?” “I’m tired, I’ll do it tomorrow” “My boss didn’t ask for

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My Experience as a Mental Health Intern: Six Lessons Learned

By: Tyeshaa Hudson, RMHI After wrapping up all my coursework, I was super eager to dive into my internship. I looked for a placement that offered solid training and great mentorship, but also matched up with my personal goals—like the type of clients I wanted to work with and the kind of setting I was

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The Significance of Client-Therapist Fit: Achieving the Best Clinical Outcomes in Psychotherapy

By: Michelle Hintz, PsyD & Roddia Hill, PsyD Finding a good ‘client-therapist fit’ is one key factor that can make a world of difference in your therapeutic journey and overall mental well-being! So what is that? What is Client-Therapist Fit? Client-therapist fit refers to the level of trust and rapport between you and your therapist. It

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Dealing with Children’s Attitude: A Discussion about Defiance and Assertiveness

By: Rebecca David-Cusani, MS, RCMHI Parenting can be a real rollercoaster, especially when you’re trying to figure out if your child is just being defiant or setting boundaries. It’s a subtle distinction, but understanding it can significantly impact how you guide and respond to your child’s development. Defiance is when your child flat out refuses to

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Navigating Parenthood: A First-Time Mom’s Journey with a Child’s Social Anxiety in a Post-COVID World

By: Kyara Ramirez-Guzman, LMHC, NCC As a first-time mom, I had no idea how complex parenting a small child with social anxiety could be. The pandemic only made things harder with remote learning, social distancing, and virtual interactions. It’s clear that COVID-19 has deeply affected mental health, especially social anxiety. I’d like to share my

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Promoting Mental Health Awareness: 3 Simple Tools for Nurturing Young Minds

By: Michelle Hintz, PsyD, Licensed Psychologist It’s easy to overlook the importance of mental health, especially when it comes to our children. But just like physical health, mental health is essential for overall well-being. As parents and caregivers, it’s our responsibility to foster an environment where mental health is prioritized and nurtured from a young

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Celebrity Stories: Shining a Spotlight on Mental Health Awareness

By: Michelle Hintz, PsyD, Licensed Psychologist Mental health challenges affect millions of people regardless of their background or status. Despite the prevalence of these issues, there’s a growing awareness and acceptance surrounding mental health struggles, thanks in part to the courage of well-known and famous people who have shared their own journeys. Here, we explore

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